Saturday, 31 January 2009

Scottish Ceilidh

Last night Luis & I went to a Ceilidh. A ceilidh (pronunciation: kay-li) is a traditional social Gaelic dance originating in Scotland, where bands are hired, usually for evening entertainment for a wedding, birthday party or other celebratory event. It was our friends Ewan & Alisa's wedding celebration! We had so much fun, and even tried out a dance, we weren't any good, but we had a blast!! There was plenty of food, music, and dancing. I can't wait for my next ceilidh!

The general format of céilidh dancing is the "Set". A Set consists of four couples, with each pair of couples facing another in a square or rectangular formation. Each couple exchanges position with the facing couple, and also facing couples exchange partners, while all the time keeping in step with the beat of the music.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Castles & Cathedrals

LD and I enjoy to see what this great country has to offer whenever we can. We have had the opportunity to visit many castles and cathedrals during this past year we've been living in Scotland. They are our favorite part of Scotland! They are so old, and carry so much history. History is a BIG part of this culture here and we're enjoying every bit of it. Many of these places Luis and I packed a picnic on a Saturday and headed out to enjoy our meal in such a picturesque place. Enjoy!

Heritage Park
The Palace at Holyroodhouse (the Queen's residence)

St Giles Cathedral

The Abby at Holyroodhouse

Glasgow Cathedral (this is where Luis proposed)

Craignethan Castle

Bothwell Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Saturday, 3 January 2009


I've been having trouble sleeping for the past 5 years on and off....maybe longer. Yes, it gets old. Yes I hate it, and no I don't take sleeping pills. I have been considering it though. I took some nyquil a few weeks ago, and slept for 2 days! I thought I had better get an over the counter sleeping aid, instead of cold medicine to do the trick. Luis and I went to the mall today, which was suppose to be open late (which is 5pm here in Scotland), everything closes megga early here...anyway...we hopped on into our local pharmacy Boots and went looking for the sleeping pills....there were none to be found. Then when we asked for some help they said they only had herbal ones. Ok anything will do right?! Well I walked up to the counter to make my purchase and the cashier asked me if i was taking any medication at the moment. Why Yes I good 'ol trusty 150mg of Effexor XR. She then proceeded to tell me I could not purchase these herbal sleeping pills. What?! Why?! Huh?! I was denied any of the sleeping aids they had. I was told to go see my doctor and try some lavendar spray on my pillow (which I already have).

So here's to another sleepless night here in Scotland. The Nyquil is looking better every min...